We specialise in wine and are experienced in what sells in North Devon. Our range is compact but comprehensive, from house wines to something special.
If you're planning changes to your list, contact Charlie. He will bring you up to date with what's in and what's out.
Don't forget...we can design and print your list.

Printing your wine list
Basic staff training, helping you communicate with your customers
Weekly delivery
Organic/Vegan wine
We only buy wines which we enjoy drinking - and want that second glass!
Terms & conditions of sale for approved trade customers
All prices quoted to you are in pounds sterling exclusive of VAT per bottle.
Delivery and minimum purchase
Prices may include free delivery in North Devon and West Somerset for a minimum drop of 36 bottles or 60 bottles of house wine. Wine may be collected from our South Molton warehouse.
Claims and availability
All wines should be inspected on delivery and any claim made within 3 days. Please note all wines are subject to availability and price change.
Payment is due on receipt of invoice or 30 days from date of order for approved trade accounts.
The property in the wines shall not pass to you until we have received in cleared funds payment in full of the wines and other wines agreed to be sold by us to you for which payment is then due. Until such time as the property in the wine passes to you, you shall hold the wines as our fiduciary agent and bailee and shall keep the wines separate of your and of third parties and properly stored, protected, insured and identified as our property. Until that time, you shall be entitled to re-sell the wines in the ordinary course of your business. Until such time as the property in the wine passes to you (and provided the wines are still in existence and have not been re-sold), we shall be entitled at any time to inspect the wines and require you to deliver up the wines to us and if you fail to do so forthwith to enter upon any premises of yours or of any third party where the wines are stored and repossess the wines.
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